Today marks the first day of Fall, and I couldn't be more excited. I like to call Fall "Blow Out Season". It's the perfect time of the year to get a blow out. Why you ask? You don't have to worry about sweating your hair out in the smothering heat (was smothering too much?). I personally don't straighten my hair that often, but when I do I prefer blow outs. My stylist gets my hair really straight without using a flat iron on my entire head.
This past Sunday I had the opportunity to attend the "Style All Blow Out Workshop" hosted by Kelly Wood, The Blow Out Queen. We started off watching Kelly demonstrate a blow out, then later had the opportunity to work hands on. What I loved most about the workshop is how adamant Kelly was for us to grasp the technique. Technique is key! She used 1 product the entire time, and her blowouts were popping! I was like dang imagine if she used 2. #sold
The main objective throughout the workshop was to achieve a smooth blowout without the use of flat iron or curling iron. Hot tools could be used, but weren't necessary in this case. My model had naturally curly hair and smoothed out really well without a flat iron. I learned so much useful information at the workshop + they fed us lol. Check out some photos below.

If you're ever in the LA area and interested in getting a blow out here are some stylist I recommend. Liz Rich Studio in Sherman Oaks Instagram: @_lizrich Kelly Wood Glam Studio Beverly Hills Instagram: @kellywxxd Keira Ashley Studio in Hollywood Instagram: @_keiraashleyhair